GNU Taler :常見問題

Taler 是如何與比特幣和區塊鍊相關聯?

Taler 不需要任何區塊鏈技術,也不基於工作證明或任何其他分散式共識機制。取而代之,Taler 的基礎為盲簽名 (blind signature)。然而,在理論上,結合 Taler 與對等網路加密貨幣(如比特幣)是可行的。

然而,(通過適當的交換)將以比特幣計價的貨幣提取到 Taler 錢包中是有可能的,這與普通比特幣相比有更多的優勢,如即時確認。








How do I install a Taler wallet on my browser?

Please visit the Taler wallet install page for browser extensions and select the wallet matching with your browser type.

How do I install a Taler wallet on my phone?

Please visit an app store matching with your smartphone and select the Taler app. You will find links on the wallet install page guiding you to the respective app stores.

我可以透過 Taler 轉帳給我的朋友嗎?

Taler supports push and pull payments between wallets (also known as peer-to-peer payments). While the payment appears to be directly between wallets, technically the operation is intermediated by the payment service provider which will typically be legally required to identify the recipient of the funds before allowing the transaction to complete.

Taler 如何處理不同幣值的款項?

Taler 錢包可以存儲與多種不同相對應貨幣(例如,歐元,美元或比特幣)的數位貨幣。

Taler 目前不提供貨幣之間的轉換。

Taler 如何保護我的隱私?



Taler 協議允許任何交易所設置自己的費用結構,從而允許運營商設置用於提款、存款、刷新或退款硬幣的費用。運營商也可以索取關閉儲備以及(匯總的)電匯給商家的費用。商家可能會選擇支付一些顧客造成的費用。實際的交易成本估計約為 0.001 分/交易(當交易成本較高時,攤銷數十億筆交易,除去遷移費用)。請注意,這是一個早期的估計數字,更多細節可能會取決於管理機關對於託管以及備份的相關要求,因此,這個數字可能會很容易地比預期的高出 10 倍以上。

Taler 支持跨國轉帳嗎?

Taler 的錢包支持多種貨幣,但系統當前不支持貨幣之間的轉換。雖然原則上可以創建一個實體,接受一種貨幣的存款並允許以另一種貨幣提款,但是這種情況下的監管障礙往往十分複雜。Taler 所著重的是日常的付款,所以我們近期並沒有計畫支持貨幣轉換的功能。

Taler 與(歐洲)電子貨幣指令有甚麼關係?

我們認為,《歐洲電子貨幣指令》是以歐元計價的 Taler 交易所必須遵循的監管框架的一部分。

哪家銀行可以保證 Taler 貨幣與常規銀行帳戶中的銀行貨幣之間的轉換?

交易所將由銀行運營或與銀行合作,該銀行將以託管的方式持有資金。請注意,此銀行可能會是一個普通銀行或是一個集中存入電子貨幣的中央銀行。無論如何,該銀行都將遵循其所屬的銀行法規,這也是消費者可以信任 Taler 貨幣兌換成普通銀行貨幣的原因。


From a technical point of view, any exchange is audited by one or more independent auditors. Merchants and consumer wallets will report certain issues automatically to the auditors, but auditors may also provide a method for manual submission of issues. The auditors are expected to make their reports available to the respective regulatory authorities, or even the general public.

From a legal point of view, users can always turn to their national authority responsible for settling disputes concerning the management of exchange services. For exchange services conducting business in Germany, this would be the general authority in charge of disputes (Universalschlichtungsstelle des Bundes). In addition to this, the European Online Dispute Resolution (see ODR) as a platform provided by the European Commission can be called for the settlement of disputes concerning exchange services headquartered in member states of the European Union.

有任何項目已經在使用 Taler 了嗎?

我們知道有幾家公司正在開展探索性項目或已開發出可運行的原型。我們也正在與一些正規銀行以及中央銀行討論這個項目。也就是說,目前在市場中尚未有產品,我們也認為這對於此計畫目前的狀態來說言之過早(請一併查看我們的 bugtracker 以檢視未解決問題清單)。

Taler 支援定期付款嗎?

我們的錢包應用程式日前不支援定期付款。理論上,Taler 有可能進行定期付款(即定期支付固定金額的付款),但需要注意一些事項。具體來說,只有在 Taler 錢包在所需時間內運行並且在線時,方可使用定期付款。此外,定期付款的重複性質使其為可鏈接的,因此可以被用來對進行定期付款的使用者進行去匿名化處理,例如,通過使得用戶在付款時離線,此使用者在特定時間的付款就不會被按時觀察到。最後,Taler 錢包無法使用信用卡付款,因此用戶必須確保持有足夠的餘額以進行定期付款。儘管如此,這還是有用的,而且 Taler 錢包的未來版本可能會支援這些功能。但這不是我們此時針對 Taler 1.0 的功能。

How do wire fees work?

A wire fee is charged by Taler operators on outgoing wire transfers when Taler is used to wire funds into a bank account. Merchants are encouraged to allow Taler to delay and then aggregate many small payments into a single collective wire transfer to minimize wire transfer fees. For example, by configuring a wire deadline of one week, all payments within a week could be aggregated into a single wire transfer, and thus the wire transfer fee would only be charged once per week. The fee is simply subtracted from the total amount wired.

How do deposit fees work?

Withdrawing 5 CHF creates electronic coins with denominations of 0.04 CHF, 0.16 CHF, 0.32 CHF, 0.64 CHF, 1.28 CHF, and 2.56 CHF. Paying 3.23 CHF might then use the 0.04 CHF, 0.64 CHF and 2.56 CHF coins, resulting in a total of 3.24 CHF with 0.01 CHF returned as change.

Deposit fees charged by Taler payment providers depend on the electronic coins used in the transaction. For example, the deposit fee could be higher for a $1.28 CHF coin than for a a $0.01 CHF coin. Your wallet will automatically try to select coins that minimize the fees you have to pay. Merchants can offer to pay deposit fees up to a specified limit; customers have to pay deposit fees that exceed what the merchant is willing to cover. Taler wallets inform customers about applicable deposit fees they have to pay before every transaction.

How do bounce fees work?

A bounce fee is charged by Taler operators to wire transfers that return funds to customers when either the Taler wallet did not withdraw the amount after 4 weeks, or immediately if a wire transfer subject was used that is missing the required code to associate a wallet with the wire transfer. The fee is deducted from the amount transferred back to the original account.

To avoid paying bounce fees payers should be careful when entering the wire transfer subject, and ensure that their wallet is online within a month of initiating the withdrawal.

How to avoid digital cash expiration?

Taler e-money is issued with a validity period. One month before the expiration date, you wallet should automatically exchange any digital cash that is about to expire for new digital cash with an extended validity period. However, if your wallet is offline for an extended period of time, it may be unable to do so. Ensure your wallet is regularly online to avoid losing money due to expiration!


In case that customers or merchants have reason to complain about the Taler payment system, Taler Operations AG will be their first point of contact. We are always grateful for your suggestions for improvement and for error messages. The best way to file these is done via our bug tracker. The ticket system makes it possible to submit reports anonymously.

Taler Operations AG is a member at VQF, a Swiss association for the quality assurance of financial services (Verein zur Qualitätssicherung von Finanzdienstleistungen, General-Guisan-Str. 6, 6300 Zug, phone +41 41 763 28 20) where users could also turn to in case of complaints.