
2024-07: Taler innovation tour side-event at the PointZeroForum

We are happy to announce the final program for our side-event of the PointZeroForum in Biel, Switzerland from 10-12am on July 1st. At the event, we will be presenting GNU Taler, identity management and hardware key protection technologies and listen to a speech by Patrick Breyer (MEP) on the Digital Euro. You can also meet Isidor Wallimann from NETZBON to discuss the use of GNU Taler for regional currencies. The GNU Taler team will showcase its approach to payments at offline merchants, the snack machine integration, the point-of-sale integration and age-restrictions as a socially-responsible use-case for programmable money. Finally, this is also a rare opportunity to speak to the BFH students who just finished their work on the SwissPass FIDO2 protocol, the real-time GNU Taler auditor, the Adobe Commerce integration, the donation, subscription and discount subsystems, and the Cashless2ecash integration, all in the same place.

Attendance is gratis and open to the general public (not just PZF attendees). You can find more information and register for the event on the BFH event page.